Cup No.1 Camping at Fodboldvej. We have made a camping area where family for participants can camp, also experience the unique atmosphere at Cup No.1 Many parents would like to be close to the football players, and by staying at the "camping area" you have the opportunity to follow the kids closely during this year's big soccer experience for Cup No.1 where 200 teams and 20-25 nations meet.


There are no kitchen facilities at Cup No.1 Camping, so you must bring your own barbecue etc. if you want to cook, otherwise it is possible to buy food in the big tent on the square. 

Bath and toilets will be available in the Clubhouse on Fodboldvej.

Remember that our campsite is temporary camping, therefore we cannot offer the campers to use electric heating of awnings and common areas. In caravans with built-in floor heating this must not be used. The consumption of these installations causes our electricity supply to become overloaded and you and your neighbors must dispense with all power for shorter or longer periods. Remember to consider each other.

All our campers must comply with the rules set by the fire authorities and the rules set out in our order rules (handed out on arrival)

Caravans / camper vans can arrive from Saturday, 6th July 5 pm, and must be away from the square no later than Sunday, 14.7, at 6 pm.

Questions about camping can be directed to Jette Varmløse
at or +45 2683 9955.

PRICE for the entire week:

Van or small tent: DKK 1000 / € 135

Book by sending a mail to, and you will receive confirmation and an invoice of the amount.

Remember to notify if you are more people from the same club who want to live next to each other.